
Archive for October, 2009

Finally another post

October 31, 2009 Leave a comment

These past few weeks have been very busy. This is great! I am seeing how God is bringing things together. With meeting Ema from Aeropagus to being able to see Lorena. To being able to be given the opportunity to share my calling in Romania with churches who have never been involved with Romania.

These past few weeks I have been really just amazed. This week’s bible verse that I have been focusing on is Proverbs 10:23 “A fool finds pleasure in evil conduct, but a man of understanding delights in wisdom.” This doesnt necessarily focus on what we do, but what we think. It’s the small things. Like the TV shows we watch. Then some ideas came to mind, are these shows on TV helping me find pleasure in evil conduct? What are we filling our minds with, and is it being reflected into how we are acting? I think tv does how affect how we act and things we put priority on. Just think if we spent the time we watch tv and instead read the Bible? I think I’d be an official Bible scholar! Haha :))))

Anyways hope you guys are doing well! I am at 60-70 % pledged. I ask that you pray for connections that are being made with local churches. I hope also that these churches will want to learn more information about romania! Also pray for financial and prayer partners. I thank you for all of your support!

If you want more information, please leave me your email.

Your brother in Christ,

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